Secrets to Navigating Power Dynamics in Peer Support Relationships

As peer support specialists, we can be seen as authority figures by the individuals we serve. Unfortunately, these power dynamics can lead to misunderstandings and less effective support. This simply an inconvenient truth about working in the field. This article explores power dynamics in health care relationships, in particular peer support. We will look at …

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Woman breaking confidentiality in peer support

Confidentiality In Peer Support: Best Practices For Privacy

Maintaining confidentiality is a cornerstone of trust in any helping relationship. More than that, it’s a legal and ethical obligation. As peer support specialists, it’s crucial to understand and uphold these standards to ensure the safety, dignity, and trust of those we serve. That being said, it’s not always a hard and fast rule. In …

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shared decision making in peer support

Shared Decision Making: Your Key To Mutual Growth

In today’s world  healthcare decisions are becoming increasingly complicated. Luckily, the power of shared decision making in peer support shines though as a beacon of light. Imagine a healthcare journey where patients and peers actively participate in the decision-making process. Everyone working to bring together their collective knowledge and experience. All while shaping their own …

Shared Decision Making: Your Key To Mutual Growth Read More »

Obtaining Informed Consent in peer support

The Essential Role of Informed Consent in Peer Support

In peer support it’s important to have clear guidelines and rules to ensure that everyone involved feels comfortable and safe. One essential rule that makes this possible is called ‘informed consent’. Moreover, it is part of our ethical obligation. In other words, informed consent in peer support is a must. In this article, we will …

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Peer Support Specialist cover letter

How to Write a Peer Support Specialist Cover Letter [Free Template]

Are you ready to take a bold step forward in your journey as a peer support specialist? Whether you’re venturing into a new career or seeking exciting opportunities to grow, your cover letter holds the key to unlocking doors that align with your passion and purpose. In this post, we’ll explore why cover letters are …

How to Write a Peer Support Specialist Cover Letter [Free Template] Read More »

conflict in peer support group

Building Bridges: A Guide To Conflict Resolution in Peer Support

Conflict and misunderstanding are just part of life, and it’s no different in peer support. However, rather than seeing them as a negative thing or something to be avoided, we should see them as opportunities for growth. Conflict resolution is a delicate process, one that requires skill, compassion, and patience. So, with that in mind, …

Building Bridges: A Guide To Conflict Resolution in Peer Support Read More »

WRAP Certification

WRAP: Empowering Peer Support Through Wellness Action Recovery Plan

Wellness Action Recovery Plan (WRAP) is a powerful tool in recovery. It offers a personalized plan to help individuals navigate the challenges of a life in recovery.  As a peer support specialist, this training can be a game changer In this article, the goal is to provide a solid understanding of WRAP, its principles, and …

WRAP: Empowering Peer Support Through Wellness Action Recovery Plan Read More »

365:Wellness & Recovery

365: Wellness and Recovery [The Book You Didn’t Know You Needed]

Facilitating peer support groups can be challenging. Add in the responsibility of keeping individuals engaged while providing valuable  information, and you can find yourself overwhelmed, if not a little bit intimidated.  But what if there was a resource that could guide you with a years worth of inspiring ideas and topics? Enter “365 Wellness & …

365: Wellness and Recovery [The Book You Didn’t Know You Needed] Read More »

Peer Support Values: Your Roadmap To Compassion and Consistency

Working in peer support, you will find yourself faced with many choices. What you have to remember is that those choices can have a profound impact on someone’s life. Understanding the peer support values will help you navigate the decision making process, while still prioritizing the wellbeing of the individuals you serve. More than anything, …

Peer Support Values: Your Roadmap To Compassion and Consistency Read More »

Working together

Group Dynamics 101: A Guide For Peer Support Specialists

Welcome to Group Dynamics 101: A Guide for Peer Support Specialists. In this article, we will explore the basics of group dynamics and how they relate to peer support work. We will discuss what group dynamics are, the different types of groups, the stages of group development, and common group dynamics challenges. Moreover, we will …

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How to facilitate peer support groups

The Ultimate Guide To Facilitating A Peer Support Group

Peer support groups are a unique place where healing can be found through connection and shared experiences. People come together and work collectively towards better mental health and wellbeing. As peer support specialists, part of our role is facilitating this process. This comprehensive guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to …

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building rapport through shared goals

Recovery Oriented Peer Support: A Revolutionary Approach

Recovery oriented is one of the core competencies of peer support as defined by SAMSHA. But what does that really mean? In this article we will explore the meaning and significance of recovery-oriented peer support. Moreover, we will look at how this benefits the individuals we serve.  Table of Contents Defining Recovery Oriented Peer Support Being …

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Resource List For Peer Support

How To Build A Resource List: A Peer Specialist’s Best Friend

Peer support is all about collaboration. This includes working together with the individuals we serve, but also with other agencies and resources. To make this happen however, you need to know what’s out there.  More than that, you need to know how to connect with those resources.  In this article, we will cover everything you …

How To Build A Resource List: A Peer Specialist’s Best Friend Read More »

building rapport through shared goals

11 Tips for Building Rapport in Peer Support Relationships

Building rapport in peer support is more than just a skill. It’s the art of building trust, empathy, and connection. When it comes to effective peer support, rapport is the foundation that can either make or break a relationship. In this article, we will cover 11 tips for building lasting and meaningful rapport in peer …

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Mistakes in Peer Support

The 10 Biggest Mistakes in Peer Support [And How To Avoid Them]

I need to say something before we get started, mistakes are a part of life. Working in peer support is no different. In all reality, it’s how we learn. However, your about to learn some of the more common mistakes that peer support specialists make. Which in turn, can help you avoid making them yourself. …

The 10 Biggest Mistakes in Peer Support [And How To Avoid Them] Read More »

How Much Do Peer Support Workers Make In 2023?

So, you’re considering a career as a peer support specialist. You get to help others, while also continually growing and working on yourself. It all sounds great but there is one question left. How much do peer support workers get paid? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place! We’re going to dive into the …

How Much Do Peer Support Workers Make In 2023? Read More »

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14 Discussion Topics for Peer Support Groups

Download a free set of 14 group discussion topics and never run out of things to talk about! Each topic includes suggestions for taking the discussion a little deeper, as well as additional resources. 

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