The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Peer Support Skills

To use an old cliché, learning new skills is like planting seeds in a garden. They take time, care, and nurturing to grow and develop. Peer support skills are no exception. While some may appear daunting at first, it is important to remember that all skills require practice and experience to truly master. 

And even then there is always room for improvement. 

In other words, don’t get discouraged if you are feeling a little overwhelmed. Some of these skills may come more naturally than others, and that’s normal. 

In the following sections, we will explore the specific skills and techniques that will serve as your foundation. From active listening and problem-solving to boundary-setting and cultural competence. We will get into the details of each one and provide you with the tools you need. 

Finally, we will touch on some advanced techniques you don’t want to miss. 

So, whether you are a seasoned pro or just starting your inspiring career, or even if you just want to improve your ability to be there for others. Either way, this resource will equip you with the knowledge, techniques, and insights to create profound change. 

So if you are ready to unlock your true potential and elevate your peer support skills, let’s get to it.

Table of Contents

Foundational Peer Support Skills

Peer support holds tremendous potential for personal growth, recovery, and well-being. Not just for the individuals you work with, but for everyone involved.

It’s all about embracing the power of connection, nurturing empathy, and fostering growth through shared experiences. In doing so, people like yourself become catalysts for positive change.


But how do you get there?

Peer Support Skills In Action

Well, it all starts with building rapport. Which in simple terms, means creating a meaningful and trustworthy connection with another person. There are several skills that go into this process and they form the foundation for effective peer support.

The Role of Empathy in Peer Support

Empathy is the superpower of peer support. It is the ability to step into someone else’s shoes and truly comprehend their emotions. Even more, it’s the ability to do so and respond with kindness and understanding.

As far as peer support skills go, this is as foundational as it gets. 

Woman expressing empathy in a conversation

It starts with actively listening to others, seeking to understand their experiences from their perspective.

Practice putting yourself in their shoes, even if you haven’t walked the same path. Try imagining how they might be feeling or what they might be going through. 

Even more, show genuine interest and ask open-ended questions. Try to encourage them to share more about their experiences. During this process, it is crucial to maintain a nonjudgmental attitude toward anything they might share. 

Validate their emotions and experiences, letting them know that you understand and care. However, as mentioned before, it is important to be genuine with your feedback.

People can tell when you are being insincere. 

If this isn’t your strong suit, don’t worry, empathy is definitely a skill that can be learned. 

Practice empathy in your daily interactions, this will help improve your skills. Over time, you’ll develop a deeper sense of understanding and connection with others. 

Developing Active Listening Skills

Have you ever had a conversation where you were physically present but mentally somewhere else?

We’ve all been there.  

Active listening on the other hand, is about being fully present, engaged, and attuned to the person in front of you. It’s also one of the key skills needed as a peer support specialist. 

It goes beyond simply hearing the words being spoken. It involves paying attention to the emotions, the tone, and the nuances behind the words. Moreover, it means putting aside distractions and giving your undivided attention to the person sharing their story.

To develop active listening skills, start by practicing mindfulness. Become aware of your own thoughts and reactions, and gently bring your focus back to the person speaking.

Furthermore, maintain eye contact and nod to show that you’re following along. Along with these non-verbal gestures, you can use verbal cues to encourage them to elaborate on their thoughts and feelings.

Remember, active listening is not about formulating responses or solving problems. It’s about providing a space for individuals to be heard and understood. Believe me, it can be tempting to try and think about the “right” thing to say.

However, in all honesty, it only takes away from our understanding of what is said. 

Effective Communication Skills

Communication lies at the heart of peer support. Clear and respectful communication ensures understanding for you, as well as those you work with. Along with empathy and active listening, this is another one of the foundational peer support skills. 

Here are some techniques to enhance your communication:

  • Clarity– Use simple and concise language and avoid clinical jargon or technical terms. Additionally, be mindful of your tone and pace, to ensure what you are saying is easily understood.
  • Active Engagement– Show genuine interest and engagement in the conversation. Maintain eye contact, nod to signal attentiveness, and provide verbal cues to indicate understanding.
  • Respectful Language– Choose your words thoughtfully, using respectful and inclusive language. Be mindful of cultural sensitivities, avoiding any language or terminology that may be offensive or stigmatizing. 
  • Reflective Listening– Practice reflective listening by paraphrasing and summarizing what the person has shared. This technique allows you to confirm your understanding and validate their experiences.

Asking Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions are a great tool for facilitating deeper conversations. Unlike closed-ended questions that elicit brief responses, open-ended questions invite individuals to reflect and provide more detailed answers.

Here are some examples:

  1. Can you tell me more about your experience?
  2. How can your strengths help you overcome this challenge?
  3. What are your thoughts on possible solutions?

By asking open-ended questions, you encourage individuals to explore their experiences, feelings, and perspectives.

Providing Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback is an important part of the peer support process. When delivered effectively, it can help individuals identify areas for growth, build resilience, and make positive changes.

Don’t get discouraged if you’re uncomfortable at first. From personal experience, it’s one of the harder things to learn.

Developing this peer support skill can take some practice. 

Here are some guidelines for providing constructive feedback:

  • Focus on behavior or actions– When giving feedback, focus on specific behaviors or actions rather than personal characteristics. This helps reduce defensiveness because it seems like less of an attack.
  • Use a strengths-based approach– Acknowledge the individual’s existing strengths and highlight areas where they have shown progress or resilience. A strength based approach can instill confidence and motivation for further growth.
  • Be specific and concrete– Provide specific examples and concrete suggestions for improvement. Avoid vague or general statements that may leave individuals unsure of what steps to take. 
  • Offer support and encouragement– Balance constructive feedback with support and encouragement. Emphasize that feedback is intended to promote growth and offer assistance in achieving their goals. Moreover, express belief in their abilities and provide resources or guidance when appropriate.

Remember, constructive feedback should always be given with the person’s best interests in mind. It is a collaborative process that aims to support their development and well-being.

Non-Verbal Communication

Words are powerful but communication extends beyond verbal expression. In fact, many experts suggest that the majority of communication is conveyed through nonverbal signals.

Non-verbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice. In peer support, these cues play a significant role in conveying empathy, understanding, and support.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure your are facing the individual
  • Maintain an open posture, arms and legs uncrossed and relaxed
  • Lean slightly towards the person to show attentiveness
  • Use facial expressions that convey warmth, empathy, and validation
Facial Expressions- Non verbal communication-Peer support skills

Additionally, observe the other person’s non-verbal cues. Pay attention to their body language and facial expressions. Are they showing signs of discomfort or distress?

Adjust your approach accordingly to create a safe environment for them to express themselves.

Remember, developing empathy and active listening skills is an ongoing process. It takes practice, patience, and a genuine desire to connect with others. 

Establishing Trust in Peer Support Relationships

Trust is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. It forms the foundation upon which meaningful connections are built. The previous skills we discussed are required for this to even be a possibility.

Trust Building as a Skill

Building trust requires consistency, integrity, and empathy.  Like the rest of the peer support skills discussed in this article, it can be developed with practice.

You may be trust worthy but showing that trustworthiness is a different story.

Here are some simple strategies for establishing trust in peer relationships:

  • AuthenticityBe genuine and authentic in your interactions. Let your true self shine through and avoid pretending to have all the answers. Embrace vulnerability and share your own experiences when appropriate.
  • Active listeningBe genuine and authentic in your interactions. Let your true self shine through and avoid pretending to have all the answers. Embrace vulnerability and share your own experiences when appropriate.
  • Respect and Non-JudgmentApproach every interaction with respect and non-judgment. Remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and it’s not your role to impose your values or opinions. Treat each individual with dignity, acceptance, and unconditional positive regard.
  • ReliabilityConsistency and reliability are key in building trust. Be dependable in your support, follow through on commitments, and be transparent about any limitations or boundaries.
  • Maintain BoundariesEstablish and maintain clear boundaries in your peer relationships. This ensures that individuals feel safe and that their personal information is protected. We will take a deeper look at boundaries a little later.

Maintaining Confidentiality in Peer Support

More of a principle than a peer support skill, confidentiality is still worth mentioning. Partly because it is essential for creating a safe environment where individuals can freely express themselves. 

More so because it is your ethical responsibility to maintain strict confidentiality.

Girl with hand over mouth

This applies to all the information shared during a peer interaction. More than that, it covers any notes and written information from the sessions. Learning proper documentation for peer support isn’t as hard as it may sound. 

Unless you are specifically required to do so, it’s a good practice to avoid disclosing any personal information. Also, be mindful of conversations that might inadvertently reveal someone’s identity. 

Remember, confidentiality is not absolute. There may be times when ethical or legal obligations override this principle. To be safe, familiarize yourself with the privacy laws and guidelines specific to your jurisdiction or organization.

Developing Problem Solving Skills

Peer support involves navigating various challenges and obstacles that individuals may face. Problem solving is another peer support skill that will help you assist others overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Here are a few strategies for identifying problems in peer support:

  • Active Observation:Pay close attention to individuals’ verbal and non-verbal cues to identify areas where they may be struggling. Observe changes in behavior, emotions, or speech patterns.
  • Empathetic ListeningPractice empathetic listening to understand the concerns and issues individuals are expressing. By actively listening and asking probing questions, you can uncover underlying problems and get a better understanding of their situation.
  • Collaborative AssessmentEncourage them to actively participate in identifying the problems they are facing. Their input and self-awareness can provide valuable perspectives for problem-solving.

Responding To Emotional Crisis

On some occasions, emotions can become overwhelming and lead to crisis situations. Knowing how to handle them is one of the skills needed for peer support specialists.


Here’s what you can do:

  • Recognize Warning SignsBe aware of signs that indicate someone is in emotional distress or crisis. These signs can include intense sadness, withdrawal, extreme anxiety, or expressing thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
  • Reach Out For HelpIf you encounter a situation beyond your capacity, don’t hesitate to seek support from professionals or supervisors. The person’s safety and well-being is first priority.
  • Offer Reassurance and EmpathyLet the person know they are not alone, and help is available. Additionally, encourage them to reach out to professionals who can offer specialized care.
woman in emotional crisis

Remember, sometimes people just need a safe space to express their emotions. To do this we can rely on some of the peer support skills we have already discussed such as empathy and active listening. Additionally, we can encourage individuals and let them know its ok to express their emotion

Conflict Resolution Skills for Peer Support

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, including peer support. For this reason, our guide on peer support skills wouldn’t be complete without mentioning conflict resolution. 

Conflicts in peer support can come from a whole bunch of different situations. Examples might be, differences in opinions, misunderstandings, unmet expectations, or even personal dynamics. However, when handled constructively, conflicts can lead to growth and stronger relationships.

Steps For Conflict Resolution

The following steps are good practice when handling conflicts. Moreover, they can be applied whether trying to resolve a conflict between others or between you and someone else.

Stay Calm and Listen: When conflict arises, take a deep breath and approach the situation with a calm and open mindset. Listen actively to the perspectives of all individuals involved. 

Seek to Understand: Empathy plays a crucial role in conflict resolution. Make an effort to understand the underlying concerns, needs, and emotions of each person involved. Clarify any misunderstandings and ensure everyone feels heard and acknowledged.

Communicate Effectively: Express your own thoughts and feelings using “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory. Use assertive communication techniques while maintaining respect for others. Encourage open and honest dialogue among all parties involved.

Find Common Ground: Look for areas of agreement or shared goals that can help resolve the issue. Identify potential compromises or creative solutions that address the concerns of all individuals involved. Collaborate to find win-win outcomes whenever possible.

Learn and Grow: After the conflict has been resolved, take time to reflect. Look at what could have been done differently and identify ways to prevent similar conflicts in the future. Encourage open communication and a supportive environment where issues can be addressed constructively.

In more complex situations, you might consider involving a neutral third party. This can be a supervisor, mediator, or another trusted individual. Having an outside perspective on the situation can help make things easier. 

Remember, conflict resolution is not about “winning” or assigning blame. It’s about finding mutually beneficial solutions that preserve the integrity of the peer relationship.

Managing Boundaries In Peer Support

Boundaries are essential, I’m not really sure how to say it any clearer. 

This means setting boundaries with not only the individuals you support, but your colleagues as well. Trust me, this is something that will make your life much easier in the long run, even if it seems uncomfortable at first.

Understanding Personal Boundaries

Personal boundaries are the invisible lines that define the limits and expectations we have in our relationships. Moreover, they serve as guidelines for our interactions with peers and colleagues. Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is a peer support skill you can’t live without. 

There are a few different areas that boundaries cover.

Setting Boundaries in Peer Relationships

Learning to set healthy boundaries in all of your peer support interactions will make your life much more manageable. As we mentioned before, this applies with the individuals you support, as well as your professional colleagues 

Boundaries ensure that everyone involved feels comfortable, safe, and respected.

This peer support skill begins with clear communication.  Express your limitations, availability, and any specific areas that are off-limits for discussion. Don’t forget to encourage open dialogue and invite them to express their boundaries as well.

When it comes to sharing your experiences, it is good practice to ask for permission before doing so. If the experience you intend to share contains sensitive topics, this is even more important. As a peer support specialist, the last thing you want is to make the situation worse by sharing your story.

Revisiting Boundaries

It is good practice to revisit boundaries occasionally with those you support. As your peer relationships develop, boundaries may need to be revisited and adjusted accordingly. For instance, when someone becomes more self-sufficient, less contact may be appropriate.  

Another good practice is to lead by example.  Setting and respecting your own boundaries demonstrates their importance and encourages individuals to do the same.

The idea is to show it is possible to maintain healthy relationships while honoring personal limits.

Addressing Boundaries Violations

Despite our best efforts, inevitably, boundaries get crossed. These situations need to be addressed quickly to maintain trust in the relationship. 

Admittedly, it can be a little uncomfortable doing so but practicing this peer support skill makes it easier… Kind of. 

I’m not going to lie, these kind of situations are always uncomfortable. But, it does become easier to manage them. 

Boundaries being crossed in a confrontation

First and foremost, the crossed boundary needs to be acknowledged. This applies whether it was you or the individual you support. Regardless of who crossed the boundary, the key is to be open and honest about the situation. 

Most of the time, a simple discussion is enough to clear things up.

Remember, if you are responsible for the boundary violation, take responsibility. Apologize sincerely and take ownership of your mistake. This not only helps the peer relationship but it models a positive way of handling mistakes.

Cultural Competence in Peer Support

Cultural competence in peer support is an ongoing process. This means recognizing, understanding, and respecting the diverse cultural backgrounds and identities of those you support. Embracing diversity allows us to connect with more people and takes it to another level.

Let’s take a look at how you can incorporate cultural competence into your peer support skills.

Self reflection is an important peer support skill- woman thinking

Get to Know Yourself

Take some time for self-reflection and get to know your own cultural beliefs, biases, and assumptions. Think about how these might affect the way you interact with others. 

Being aware of your own perspectives will help you approach peer support with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

Learn About Different Cultures

Educate yourself about various cultures, traditions, and ways of thinking. Seek out resources, attend trainings, and have conversations with people from different backgrounds. The more you learn, the better you’ll understand and support individuals from diverse cultures.

Learn About Different Cultures

Educate yourself about various cultures, traditions, and ways of thinking. Seek out resources, attend trainings, and have conversations with people from different backgrounds. The more you learn, the better you’ll understand and support individuals from diverse cultures.

Recognizing and Dealing With Bias

Sometimes biases can affect the way we see and interact with others without us even realizing it. We need to recognize and address these biases to be effective in our roles.

Here’s how you can handle bias in peer support:

Look Inward

Take a close look at your own biases and prejudices. Reflect on any preconceived notions you might have about different cultures, races, or identities. Challenging and confronting your biases is a key step in becoming culturally competent.

Listen and Learn

Actively listen to people and genuinely try to understand their experiences. Be open to learning from their perspectives and be willing to challenge any biases or stereotypes you may have.

Moreover, embrace opportunities to learn about different cultures and identities.

Ask for Clarification

If you’re unsure about a particular cultural practice or belief, just ask (respectfully of course). Get input from others who can provide insight and correct any misconceptions you may have.

Creating an Inclusive Environment

Creating an inclusive environment requires awareness at a whole different level. This peer support skill involves taking into account the unique aspects of each individual. Then, using that information to create a safe space and sense of belonging.

Your language is something to always be aware of. In other words, avoid assuming someone’s gender, sexual orientation, or cultural background. Similarly, respect people’s preferences for pronouns and terms of address.

Sometimes, you may have to change things up. Different cultures may have unique preferences and needs when it comes to peer support. Be flexible in your approach, adapting to their cultural values and communication styles.

Advocacy Skills in Peer Support

Advocacy skills are something we should talk more about in recovery.  They empower individuals to assert their rights, make informed decisions, and access necessary resources. Its not only important to teach these skills but also to use them in our roles as peer specialists.

Remember, part of supporting someone is advocating for their wellbeing.

Encouraging Self-Advocacy in Peers

We can help individuals develop self-confidence by acknowledging their strengths. This also serves to reinforce their abilities to make decisions and express their needs. 

In other words, this means encouraging them to recognize their worth and advocate for themselves. All the while, supporting them and letting them know we stand beside them. 

Remember what we said about role modeling? When we model effective communication skills, it teaches others how to express their thoughts, concerns, and preferences clearly and assertively.

Encourage individuals to actively participate in decision-making process related to their own care.

We can support others in weighing the pros and cons, exploring different options, and making informed choices that align with their values and goals. Which in turn, can help them develop effective problem solving skills.

Advocating for Client Rights and Treatment Options

Advocating for our clients is part of our responsibility. Unfortunately, sometimes this means speaking up when our colleagues are acting against their best interests.

However, this can still be done in a respectful and collaborative way.

First, we can begin by educating individuals about their rights as clients. These include their rights to privacy, informed consent, and access to appropriate care. Encourage them to assert these rights and advocate for their recovery.

Sometimes, as we mentioned before, this responsibility falls on us. There may be instances where an individual feels more comfortable confiding in their peer support provider. 

In these situations, we should (respectfully) make sure that our clients’ voices and perspectives are taken into consideration.

Finally, we can help individuals make informed choices about their treatment and care. This is done by offering information and resources about different options, including alternative approaches and evidence based practices.

Additionally, because of our inside experience, we can inform clients about specifics of each option and share our experience.

Note: By sharing our experiences, this does not mean providing medical advice or trying to convince them of a particular option. Remember, this is about encouraging individuals to make their own choices.

Self-Care For Peer Support Specialists

Self care is a peer support skill that often gets overlooked. It can be easy to get so caught up in helping others that you neglect your own needs. However, you need the emotional, mental, and physical resources to keep yourself going.

Taking care of your own wellbeing helps you avoid burnout and makes the support you provide more effective. Moreover, it sets an example for the individuals you work with. Never forget the power of being a good role model in recovery.

Strategies for Maintaining Personal Wellbeing

Maintaining personal well-being requires self awareness. More than that, it requires being intentional with your choices.

Here are some strategies to improve your self care skills.

  • Establish BoundariesSet clear boundaries between your personal and professional life. Set aside time for relaxation and hobbies. Protecting your personal time creates a healthy work-life balance.
  • Practice Mindfulness and Stress ReductionMindfulness exercises, such as meditation or deep breathing, have been shown to reduce stress and promote mental health. Take regular breaks throughout the day to relax and recharge.
  • Physical ExerciseExercise not only benefits your physical health but also has a positive impact on your mental state. Whether it’s walking, yoga, or dancing, staying active can make a big difference in your self care.
  • Nurture RelationshipsMake time for relationships with friends and family. Remember, social connections are essential to self care.

Well-being cannot exist just in your own head. Well-being is a combination of feeling good as well as actually having meaning, good relationships and accomplishment.

Seeking Support

Part of your self care skills is knowing when to ask for help. Rather than a sign of weakness, it is a chance to grow and improve our peer support skills. Regular supervision gives us the opportunity to get insight from experienced professionals. 

In addition to this, you can find support from your fellow peer support workers. Whether it be in person or an online platform like MHAPSS. Having the chance to share your experiences, seek advice, and discuss challenges with others in the field is an invaluable tool.

Taking care of yourself is not selfish

In truth, it is an investment in your wellbeing and only furthers the development of your peer support skills. 

Advanced Peer Support Skills

In addition to what we have discussed, there are several advanced peer support skills that can be useful to your work. These techniques and methods are usually learned through additional training and continuing education classes.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a collaborative and person centered approach. The goal is to increase an individuals motivation and commitment towards positive change.

This is done through a framework which develops discrepancy, while still being empathetic and promoting personal choice.  

As a peer support specialist, you can utilize MI to help individuals explore and resolve their ambivalence about change. Honestly, this is one of my favorite techniques and I highly recommend getting familiar with it.

Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) integrates mindfulness practices with relapse prevention strategies. Some key aspects include mindfulness practices, exploring triggers and cravings, and coping with urges.  

Overall this technique helps individuals develop skills to respond to triggers and high-risk situations effectively.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognized program. In a nutshell, it provides individuals with the skills to offer initial support to someone experiencing a mental health crisis or developing a mental health problem. 

It involves recognizing warning signs, offering reassurance, and guiding individuals toward appropriate professional help.

Wellness Action Recovery Plan (WRAP)

WRAP, or Wellness Recovery Action Plan, is a self-designed prevention and wellness process that anyone can use. It empowers individuals to take charge of their recovery by creating personalized wellness plans.

This incredible program takes a person-centered approach and conforms to fits the unique needs of each person. Implementing WRAP into peer support settings is a game changer.

A Final Note on Peer Support Skills

In writing this post about peer support skills, we tried to incorporate as much as we could. However, to cover every aspect of this topic, it would most likely take an entire book. (Don’t worry, it’s already in the works!)

You have learned the essentials and covered some advanced techniques that can take your peer support game to the next level. Remember, this is just the beginning. The secret to becoming truly amazing in this role is continuous learning and improvement.

Why is Continuous Learning So Important?

The world is always evolving, and so is the field of peer support. New research, techniques, and approaches emerge over time.  Not only that, but each person you support is unique. 

There’s always more to learn about their experiences, challenges, and triumphs.

The more you learn and practice, the more confident you’ll become in your abilities.

By continuously improving your peer support skills, you’ll gain a sense of mastery and expertise that will shine through in your interactions with others.

As you grow, you’ll be able to make a lasting impact on the lives of the individuals you assist. Plus, you have the honor of witnessing them embrace positive changes and thrive in their own unique ways.

Stay Curious

By continuously improving your peer support skills, you’ll gain a sense of mastery and expertise that will shine through in your interactions with others.

As you grow, you’ll be able to make a lasting impact on the lives of the individuals you assist. Plus, you have the honor of witnessing them embrace positive changes and thrive in their own unique ways.

The secret to  leveling up your peer support superpowers is to always stay curious. Seek out new resources, attend workshops or conferences, and engage in discussion. Here at MHAPSS we are working on making this all available through our platform. 

Finally, remember to embrace feedback and always take time to reflect on your experiences. No one knows you like you. Finding areas for improvement allows you to plan you next move and take things to the next level. 

So, keep learning, and keep growing, the world needs you!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I develop active listening skills?

Developing active listening skills takes practice. Start by giving your full attention to the person speaking, maintaining eye contact, and avoiding distractions. Show genuine interest, listen without interrupting, and ask open-ended questions to encourage them to share more. Reflect on what they say and respond with empathy and understanding.

How do I establish trust in peer relationships?

Trust is built over time through consistent actions and genuine care. Be reliable, keep your commitments, and maintain confidentiality. Show empathy, actively listen, and validate the experiences of those you support. Be honest and transparent in your communication. Trust grows when people feel respected, understood, and supported.

How do I address conflicts in peer relationships?

Conflicts in peer relationships are normal, and it’s important to address them constructively. Begin by finding a suitable time and place for an open and respectful conversation. Listen to each other’s perspectives, express your thoughts and feelings without blame, and work together to find common ground. Use active communication techniques like “I” statements and focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the conflict itself.

How can I support someone in emotional crisis?

Supporting someone in an emotional crisis requires empathy, compassion, and understanding. Listen attentively without judgment, validate their feelings, and offer reassurance. Encourage them to seek professional help if needed and provide information about available resources. Stay with them if they are in immediate danger and involve appropriate emergency services when necessary.

Elijah Meason


Elijah Meason is a Certified Peer Support Worker in the State of New Mexico. He is a SMART Recovery facilitator and is working toward getting his Masters degree in social work. He is currently working at a dual diagnosis treatment center helping individuals overcome mental health and addiction challenges.

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Download a free set of 14 group discussion topics and never run out of things to talk about! Each topic includes suggestions for taking the discussion a little deeper, as well as additional resources. 

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